Monday, September 1, 2008

Mother's Words

I was driving down a short road
I asked my mother where are you living, behind Dad's doors?
Do you wish for more?
I see a hint of Mother's smile
as she hides behind her broken eyes.

Above her pictures of angels and Jesus
but still I wonder how and when Mother got
so pure carrying me inside her womb.
Was she locked up in knots,
and once I was free did the bars still hold her lonely scars?
I can still feel her heartbeat and every night is another night.
The day arrives to another morning.

Mother calls, I listen to her talk about work
and how her soul hurts like a fire without the candle.
Putting out the flame, I listen every day.
This world is hell so lets burn it
and Heaven will arrive, we can live I can be born again.

Mother's nipples battled afraid
of the future
To hold
To arrive .


holly said...

this is really riveting...and full of sympathy for mothers...beautifully done!

holly said...

You know, I wanted you to know, I think this is the strongest poem of yours I have read. It's worth reading over and over many many times. I love that.

holly said...

I keep reading it...